Auckland IPL & Laser Regulations

We help you to become compliant to Council Regulations (Auckland)

In the greater Auckland Region you must meet the Auckland Council Health & Hygiene Bylaw 2013 , this is not new and came into effect on July 1st 2014. Council regulations apply to anyone wanting to operate a Laser or an IPL (known as pulsed light). You will learn more about these regulations when you do a course with us; however we will help you to become compliant with the following requirements of the Bylaw.

  • Evidence of professional development: You can obtain a Laser Safety Certification (LSC) using our online courses - more information is here.

  • Evidence of training for Hair Removal or Skin Rejuvenation: Enrol into our theory only hair removal online certificate, then attend a beginner 1 day practical workshop, or attend our Skin Rejuvenation Foundation Certificate - 3 days theory and practical - check for dates here.

  • Evidence of training for Laser Tattoo Removal: Study this topic online and then attend practical training when you are ready.

View this document on how to “Get Compliant to Auckland Councils Health & Hygiene Bylaw for IPL & Laser”.

Stay on top of changes to regulations affecting the Auckland region for IPL and Laser operators

Warning: Please be aware that if you have, or look at buying an IPL or Laser that cannot be correctly calibrated, it will not be able to be used in the Auckland region as per clause 7 (10) of the Health & Hygiene Bylaw 2013 - Code of practice.

Read our FAQ’s section on this topic here.

You will need to produce evidence of a calibration report (provided to you from the service technician who knows who to check and re-calibrate your machine to be accurate, If that is possible for your machine) and this is different to a general service check up. Don’t get caught out with an inferior machine, we strongly suggest people do not import machines from overseas, or buy from second-hand trading websites sites, or cheap internet sites.

Download the free E-Book on buying a Tattoo removal machine here