personalised clinical manuals

For bundle options or individual/single documents please click the button below and complete the form. An invoice will be sent manually to you for payment.

NZ Laser Training Institute has 5 different Clinical Manuals to aid your business in complying with all current legislation. They also include NZ Laser Training Institutes’ own valuable industry best practice guidelines, as well as assist with obtaining health licenses through their local council.

Each workplace is responsible to ensure that correct protocols and documentation, relevant to treatment services are supplied for Council inspections. Clinical / workplace manuals are personalised with your company logo, you will be supplied with a ready to print file for the reproduction of template forms for your use.

The 5 Clinical Manuals to choose from are:

Health & Safety (Laser & IPL), Laser & Clinical Forms (H/R & S/R), Laser & IPL Maintenance & Staff Training Records, Protocol Procedures & Policies and Laser Tattoo Removal Clinical Manual


It is a requirement by both New Zealand health laws, and the AS/NZS laser safety standards that all professional clinics shall have laser and IPL safety procedures, policies, and protocols for the best and safest outcomes for clients and staff involved with Lasers and IPL treatments.

Reasons to do this with our resources include:

Maintaining accurate records

Reducing the risk a client may state they weren’t aware of procedure risks

Instantly be able to generate a report for health inspectors, investigators should something go wrong

Convey to your clients you upload the highest level of client care and protect their rights, and that your business takes their legal and ethical obligations seriously

These documents service as staff induction programme resources for consistency when training new staff and conducting staff competency verification as part of your required laser safety management programme (as per AS/NZS)


All of the manuals aid your business with current Laser Standards and Health & Safety Legislation

Depending on which manual you purchase you will receive: client registration forms, checklists, client treatment plans, consent forms, incident report forms, device fault record forms, liability waivers and much more

Each manual will be personalised with your company logo

A ready print files for the reproduction of template forms for use in your business


Your new clinical or workplace manual meets the current criteria for: 

Auckland Council Health & Hygiene Bylaw 2013 and Code of Practice 2013 (C.O.P) and as minimum standards for regions without local council regulations.

Australian/New Zealand “Safe Use of Lasers and Intense Light Sources in Health Care” AS/NZS 4173:2018

Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 & the Health and Safety at Work (General Risk and Workplace Management) Regulations 2016. (GRWM regulations)


Each manual is priced at $299 + GST & shipping within NZ, with add-on options for single/individual documents available when 1 complete manual is purchased. Allow 2 weeks for completion and shipping. Contact us directly for overseas shipping prices.

We have created a variety of different bundle options for you to choose from:

Single/individual documents $10 each + GST (only available when purchasing 1 complete manual)

Any combination of 2 manuals for $499 + GST

4 x manuals (excluding Laser Tattoo Removal) $799 + GST

All 5 x manuals $899 + GST

DISCLAIMER: NZ Laser Training Institutes holds no responsibility or accountability for these clinical manuals, nor are these documents legally binding.

COPYRIGHT: The templates and text content of these clinical manuals, are subject to copyright and remain the property of NZ Laser Training Institute Ltd, they cannot be re-issued, copied and distributed to other parties. The clinical manuals will be issued with your personalised company logo and you will be supplied with (ready to print) files for reproduction of template forms for your use. Considerable work and intellectual property have been invested in the formation of these clinical manuals and has been done so to provide a valuable resources to those wishing to adhere to best practice. Ref: Copyright Act 1994