WEEK 1: 19 - 23 May 2025
Module 1 - Laser Safety - Safe Practice - completed online via our Litmos SAP learning platform
1 hour zoom chat with your tutor for Q & A time
Before you can start learning about using IPL or Lasers, you must understand the risks associated with operating these devices. This includes learning some laser terminology, accessing information about regulations, and understanding the principles and setup required to conduct hair removal, skin rejuvenation and laser tattoo removal. You will be looking into the scope of practice and professional standards, which will set you up with the highest industry benchmark. The information and skills you develop this week will set you up to succeed in any IPL or Laser workplace in the future.
Learner assignment this week: you will be completing an assignment relating to laser hazard identification and matching up safety glasses required to the appropriate device type - this is real-world learning, giving you skills you will need to use in a laser clinic.