weeks 11-13: 28 june - 15 august 2025
Module 7 - Theory for IPL & Laser Skin Rejuvenation - completed online via our Litmos SAP learning platform
1 hour zoom chat with your tutor for Q & A time each week
One of the biggest and most popular topics and treatment offerings in the industry includes up to 15 various applications and treatment options for clients to select, and for operators and skin, therapists to know inside and out. Over the next 3 weeks, you will be immersed in the theory behind skin rejuvenation technologies, you will make your way around the different device types and better understand why you may need to choose one over the other.
A successful treatment gives results and does what you want it to do, to achieve this level of mastery, you will need to know the science behind the scenes well and also how to apply this to any given situation, where that be treating melasma, scarring, acne, pigmentation, or vascular issues. You will also learn more about technologies that trigger collagen renewal and why sometimes treatments don’t work as planned. eg: skin tightening
You will be diving into potential side effects, endpoints and managing expectations. The treatments plan steps you learn will prepare you well for the practical session ahead in week 14
Learner assignment for this Module 7: Task 1: Review 3 skin conditions of your choosing, and present them back in a video format. Task 2: Project: Plan and create a skin rejuvenation treatment plan for 3 client scenarios using your newfound knowledge.